Friday, September 25, 2009
Living in Italy I could be not further away from canned frosting, rainbow food colors and marshmallow fluff requested for the "easy creations" even if I lived on the moon. The standard italian grocery shop doesn't carry any of the above and my secret stash of food colors brought way back from Germany features the 3 basics of red, blue and yellow.
And so, waiting for my newly ordered baking supplies to arrive, I did try what seemed a more simple and affordable project - a bunch of sunflowers. The recipe used is a vanilla cupcake from the book with a basic butter-cream frosting I found on the internet. While I didn't care much for the frosting - too sweet, I really liked the cupcake where I've added some chopped kiwi for a bit of zing. Following the decoration instructions was easy and fun and I cannot wait to try something else from the book. I've got my eye on the white puppies already -- gonna make them look like my dogs :)

Etichette: baking, book review, cupcake, decorating
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So, you started a blog - and now?
0 commenti Pubblicato da QueenForOneDay a Thursday, September 24, 2009...and now, I guess, I have to cure it, to nourish it and to let it grow, like the tomato plant I had in my veggie patch all the summer long. Now the summer has gone, even here in sunny Rome, but I still have nice memories of it and of my beautiful tomatoes... Where was I? Oh, the blog. So, what can you expect from it, dear reader? Crafty stuff? - well, you guess it from the name of the blog. I love sewing, knitting, stitching, cookie decorating - you name it. Which better occasion to share new projects (and to show off old ones :-)) Tomatoes? Why, sure, in the Tomato-Basil-Upside-Down-Bread-Recipe. Arty Rome-pictures? Sometimes. And, why not, a little peek into my daily life with 3 adorable dogs, 5 chickens and a little veggie patch (fancy some Brussel Spouts?) . So, lean back, relax and enjoy :)
Etichette: chickens, dogs, tomato bread